This sheet
identifies errors found in Documents, Volume 13: August–September
1843. Minor errors, such as in the format of source
citations, are not reported. The errors reported here occur in all
printings of the volume and have been corrected in the transcripts,
annotation, and reference material presented on this site. This sheet
will be updated as additional errors are found. Please report additional
errors by emailing [email protected].
Page 250. The photograph is of the featured text, Letter
to John C. Calhoun, 4 November 1843, while the illustation title and
caption describe an earlier draft of this letter. The photograph of this
letter can be viewed on the Joseph Smith Papers website: Letter to
Presidential Candidates, 4 November 1843, Draft.
Pages 449–585. A number of updates and changes have been
made to the reference material. The updates correct factual errors, add
additional information, and remove biographical information that, while
possibly accurate, could not be documented in primary sources or the
most reliable secondary sources. Because the reference material supports
all published volumes and all documents published on the website, the
Smith Papers staff will not keep a record of the specific changes made
to each entry published in Documents, Volume 13. Readers
should refer to the Reference section of the Joseph Smith Papers website
to find the corrected and updated information.