Ebenezer Robinson’s minutes state that Lyon “made confession to the satisfaction of the Council” after “some lengthy remarks by the Councellors, and very good instruction given by Councellor Smith,” suggesting that JS may be “the speaker” referred to here.
See Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., 339, 340 [Alma 42:23–24, 31].
JS’s revelations framed the work of the Latter-day Saints as a final dispensation of the gospel in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ and a transition into the millennial kingdom of God. (See, for example, Revelation, 23 July 1837 [D&C 112:30–32].)
See 1 Timothy 5:24.
See Proverbs 4:26; and Hebrews 12:13.
Ebenezer Robinson’s minutes indicate that the high council concurred in the decision, which, according to established practice, was likely presented by Marsh or by Marsh and Patten.