Transcript of Proceedings, 24 May 1839 [State of Missouri v. Pratt et al. for Murder]
Source Note
Transcript of Proceedings, , Ray Co., MO, 24 May 1839, State of MO v. Pratt et al. for Murder (Ray Co., MO, Circuit Court 1839); unidentified handwriting; forty-one pages; photocopy in Daviess County Legal Documents, BYU. Includes seal.
impartial trial, in any County in either the said three Circuits, your petitioners would therefore <pray> your honor to award and order changes of venue in each of their cases to some County in some other Circuit of this , where the causes aforesaid do not exist, and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray— &c
Morris Phelps
State of )
SS. [scilicet]
County of )
Be it remembered that on this 17th day of May 1839. Personally came before me , Morrice— Phelps & and made oath that the matters and things contained in the foregoing petition are true in substance & in fact as they are informed and verrily believe
Morris Phelps
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 17th day of May 1839.