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Lucas, Samuel D.


19 July 1799–23 Feb. 1868. Store owner, recorder of deeds. Born at Washington Co., Kentucky. Son of Samuel Lucas Sr. Married Theresa Bartlett Allen, ca. Nov. 1823, in Harrison Co., Kentucky. Member of Presbyterian church. Lived at Independence, Jackson Co., Missouri, by 1827. Jackson Co. court justice, 1831. Secretary of citizens committee that met in Independence to negotiate departure of Latter-day Saints from Jackson Co., July 1833. Major general in Missouri militia; in absence of designated commander, John B. Clark, led militia forces and confronted Latter-day Saint forces near Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri, Oct. 1838. Disbanded Latter-day Saint forces, took JS and other church leaders prisoner, and escorted them to Independence before Clark arrived. County clerk and clerk of circuit court, 1842, in Jackson Co. Died in Independence.

