<Affidavit: of J Smith> <Sept 5th.> Wednesday 5. I made <gave> the following affidavit, that the truth might before the public, on the matter in controvry [controversy].
arrived at on his way to to meet the proposed trial. had gone before arrivd and the tarri[e]d all night.— I was at home after 6 oclock in the evenig.
<Camp.> Bro Nickerson’s child died in the camp this morning. Passed th[r]ough Mount Vernon, Mount Meridian, Putnamville, Manhattan, Washington Township, Pleasant Garden into Van Buren Township Clay Co— 20 mi, and tented in the road about 1 furlong west of gray’s creek. There was much sickness in the county through which the camp passed.—
<Joseph’s trial befor .> <6> Thursday. 6 camp travelld 17 mi. and encamped 2 miles East of Terrah , roads very dusty.
At half past 7 this morning I left I started on horse back, accompanied by several brethren. among whome was my brother & Judge <> to attend my trial at s. I thought it not wisdom to make my appeara[n]ce befor the public in that place, in consequence of the many thr[e]ats made agant [against] me and the high state of excitement. The trial could not proceed on account of the absence of the plaintiff, and lack of testimony. and the court adjound [adjourned] till tomorrow.at10 oclock tomorrow AM. at a , some 6 or 8 miles furthr south. and within 1/2 a mile of the line of . is a regular Mob character. We all retund to . where we arrivd befor dark
<7> Friday 7th. About sunrise I started with my fri[en]ds, and arrivd at at the appointd hour. We did not know <#> (see G. [JS, Journal] p 80– & 81.) side down. We arrivd home in the evening.
<Camp> This morning, a daughter of Elder Shumway died in camp, also Mr Clarks child. The camp passed though . & through the River Wabash, in a Northwesterly direction through Fayette township, and encamped about a furlong west of E. S. Wolf’s store. & within 2 miles of the west line of .— 11mi— 423 from .
<. Potteries.> The work continued to spread in . The had some [p. 12]