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Nauvoo Mansion, Nauvoo, Illinois


Large, two-story, Greek Revival frame structure located on northeast corner of Water and Main streets. Built to meet JS’s immediate need for larger home that could also serve as hotel to accommodate his numerous guests. JS relocated family from old house to completed mansion, 31 Aug. 1843. Wing soon added to east side of home, bringing total number of rooms to twenty-two. “Nauvoo Mansion” sign put up on house, 15 Sept. 1843. JS and Emma Smith held dinner to celebrate opening of hotel portion, 3 Oct. 1843. Rail fence and stables completed, by 1844. JS granted lease to Ebenezer Robinson, 22 Jan. 1844, with provision that Smith family retained use of three rooms for their residence. Civic and church councils and mayor’s court all held in mansion at times. Barroom in mansion served as general gathering place. Reading room in mansion used by JS for personal study and meetings. Some individuals anointed in mansion. Following martyrdom in Carthage, bodies of JS and Hyrum Smith lay in state in mansion dining room, 29 June 1844. Emma Smith continued to live in mansion until 1871. See also “Old house (JS’s).”


(Church History Library, Salt Lake City. Photographs attributed to B. H. Roberts.)

Nauvoo Mansion (Church History Library, Salt Lake City. Photographs attributed to B. H. Roberts.)

Hancock County
United States of America