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Quincy, Illinois


Located on high limestone bluffs east of Mississippi River, about forty-five miles south of Nauvoo. Settled 1821. Adams Co. seat, 1825. Incorporated as town, 1834. Received city charter, 1840. Population in 1835 about 800; in 1840 about 2,300; and in 1845 about 4,000. Important river port and shipping and manufacturing center. Point where JS, Brigham Young, and many other Saints crossed Mississippi River en route from Ohio to western Missouri, 1830s. Michigan contingent of Camp of Israel also crossed Mississippi at Quincy en route to Independence, Missouri, June 1834. Latter-day Saint exiles from Missouri found refuge in town, winter 1838–1839. Democratic Association of Quincy organized relief committee to provide clothing, food, and shelter for at least 5,000 Saints. Conference of church held in town, Mar. 1839. Following Missouri imprisonment, JS rejoined Saints in Quincy, 22 Apr. 1839. General conference held in town to approve land purchases and missions of the Twelve Apostles to Europe, May 1839. On 10 May 1839, JS and family left Quincy to settle in Commerce (now Nauvoo), Illinois. Branch organized in Quincy, 21 June 1840; stake organized, 25 Oct. 1840. Stake reduced to branch, 1841; branch functioned through at least spring 1848. After death of JS, 27 June 1844, leading citizens of Adams Co. (later known as Quincy Committee) met to find way to end growing hostilities between Saints and other Illinois residents.


Adams County
United States of America